Status Update – Q3Y22

From CEO Jim Nigg via Linkedin:

I hear you all, I am overdue for a Constructis Energy update!

Our tech is truly novel, we are challenging big utilities and giants of industry that simply don’t want competition they don’t control, and these giants control the energy ballgame with deep Political roots.
Late last year we received our first patent for our Roadway Energy X platform (REX), last week we received our second Patent, with International Patents pending.

We have inked Federal, State and Agency environmental support, secured insurance underwriting, and we proved out our REX systems at the Virginia Beach Public Schools (LEED Platinum) Bus facility with real time data! We can show cost competitive power to Wind and Solar, and our tech has been validated and able to witness. Thanks to VB Schools!

We have a small following of supporters Nationally who have bled out what they’re able to help us achieve R&D milestones, without them this tech would not have seen the light of day – thank you all!
Traveling coast to coast, we found that there very few investors and even fewer government programs that will support technology that has no precedent. We’ve been forced to bring a commercial ready roadway energy system to market in order to set the precedent ourselves. As one of our investors stated “The Constructis REX systems represent the peoples choice of new clean energy options, keep going Jim!” Thanks Rich H.!

No land purchases, no environmental hazards, it’s quiet, it’s safe, installed overnight, resilient power storage that can weather a storm, with traffic analytics for real time data to advance smart city initiatives. A real world, shovel ready solution!

In the coming months, we’ll be demonstrating our commercial ready Roadway Energy system, our 6th iteration and exciting to share this news! We’ll have TV, media and other interested parties in attendance… go big or die trying!

We’ve teamed up with Broadwind Energy to build this next version and help us prepare to scale. We also have MW Industries supporting us, where volume manufacturing will be one of many upcoming challenges, and we’re looking for additional manufacturing support in many areas and regions around the world.

Internationally, I receive calls and emails for papers, speaking engagements and hear from many who simply want to know more about us and our technology, so recently we started work forming a kinetic energy group you will see launched in the coming months and would be eager to hear your feedback.

While cash strapped – RISE Resiliency, WHRO TV and PBS supported a short video about us here:


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